
Top Places to Visit This Thanksgiving Break

Posted by: Felicia Dodge Nov 21, 2016
Updated Jan 16, 2020


Looking for something to do during Thanksgiving Break this year? Don't worry, we've got you covered! We made a list of the top places you can go and explore, taking an Uber of course!

1. Thanksgiving Eve Celebrations: It's no New Years Eve, but Thanksgiving eve is also known for having exciting activities and celebrating at local pubs with your co-workers and friends. Stay safe, of course, and take an Uber to and from the bars!

2. Black Friday Shopping: Who doesn't love a good black friday deal? Although the concept "black friday" is slowing developing into a "late Thursday night" excursion, we don't recommend leaving the party early on Thursday to go shopping. If black friday isn't your thing, a lot of shoping centers have the same sales throughout the weekend, so keep a look out for your favorite stores!

3. Friendsgiving: Ah, the infamous celebration without all the hassle of impressing your family. Plan a friendsgiving with your friends to gather and give thanks and reminisce on those memories you've been collecting throughout the years. Offer to bring a dish that you can easily prepare and bring to your friend's house, and if you're in the city we recommend taking an Uber or taxi so you can enjoy your night to the fullest!

4. Christmas Tree Shopping: After Thanksgiving is over, it's hard to not think about the next holiday coming up-- Christmas Day! Head out with your family to pick out the perfect tree before the weather gets too cold.

5. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen: Make sure to remember what this Holiday is all about: giving thanks! There is no better way to show you are thankful by giving back to your local community. Soup kitchens and food pantries are great places to spend your time around Thanksgiving, and the reward is definitely worth the time spent! (and the cost of the Uber to get there).

6. Go to the movies: There is no time of year that is bad for seeing movies. However, there are so many great movies opening around this time of year, and the weather is just cold enough to not feel bad for spending the day or night sitting in a warm theatre.

7. Spend quality time with family: We all have so much to be thankful for, so spend as much time as you can with your loved ones, and don't forget to tell them how much they mean to you!

Have a great break, and remember, wherever you go this Thanksgiving, use RideGuru to find the cheapest ride!

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