Leonard Girsh (LG-PA)

Ride Apprentice from Southampton, PA

810 Driver


Posts by LG-PA

Comments by LG-PA

  • I sometimes ask passengers to direct me when I first start out after picking them up. Because GPS does not always know which way my car is facing when passengers climb in it occasionally tells me to go one way only to recalculate and have me turn around 200 feet after starting to drive ;) not to look like an idiot I always ask if we should go right or left from where we start (when it is not obvious) then once GPS figures out how to go usually 20 seconds later I politely tell passenger that we are good now. Some passengers though continue to direct me though I am following GPS, and I just let them go on so they feel like they are helping lol

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    You can be the nicest passenger in the world and your kids could be most behaved but if your kids need a car seat or booster seat and you do not bring the booster with you and kids are not buckled up this is a sure way to get a low mark.

    when I drive people around and kids are booster seat age and are not in the parent provided booster seat I mark them 3 stars so I do not get matched up with careless parents again.

    mot tipping on a 10 min plus ride is also a way to get 4 stars from me vs 5

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     5 years ago in  Long Trips to Non-customary Destinations

    if you preschedule your ride on Lyft - drivers will see pick up location and destination and payout, on a long ride like this I am certain it will be scooped up within seconds - this is easy $50.00 for a driver in under an hour.

    so schedule one on lyft and one on uber, then when it is time - and driver is dispatched call the driver right away as uber rdivers do not know destination, if he bails you have your Lyft option

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     5 years ago in  Uber erroneous cancelation fees

    take your money elswhere - Lyft?

  • For example if we used a tipping guideline of: $1.00 for every 5 minutes or $0.20 per minute. A 10 mile ride which for instance takes 20 minutes to complete would require $4.00 tip

    However if 20% is used as the basis for calculating tips then the same 10 miles - 20 minute ride that cost the passenger $15.00 would only produce a $3.00 tip, but what if that passenger had a promotion and this ride only cost him $10.00?

    I rather it be a set amount per minute than a percentage;)

  • I think if a Lyft passenger that takes a ride that is at least  10 minutes long and not tip Should get a lower mark from driver, since Drivers can wait 24 hours before rating them to see if they tipped or not.

    if besides not tipping passenger also did something unsavory they should get a 3 stars

    I will actually pass up any request with passenger rating under 4.7. If enough drivers use this logic, passengers will experience longer wait times and start scratching their heads.

    i think $1.00 tip for every five minute of a ride should be a good number, rounded up for long rides

    uber does not give option to wait to rate passenr from what I know

    passenegrs think it is almost mandatory to tip pizza  delivery driver for the 2-3 mike ride he/she makes but optional for rideshare driver who is safely delivering them home.....

  • Hi,

    Yes I too see requests are coming in slower, probably due to summer and like you I primarily come out some weekends. Durign the week I start out in Bensalem because that is where my primary job is then head west on Street Rd to get home. Around 8:00pm also hang out in Bensalem/Feasterville while my kid is at practice, do max 2 rides in an hour and half. Usually Lyft though, I am seeing a decline in Uber requests in general, as most passenegrs state Lyft is more economical. I do not do pools and SHared rides. Perhaps try Newtown area this will get you out of the areas you are trying to avoid.

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     5 years ago in  Tips for driving in a small rural market?

    Also hang out by hotels 

  • If you do a good job you will get deserved credit. As a driver I never had to ask for 5 stars. If I was a pax I would give you 4 just for begging ;)

  • Lunch break at primary desk job

  • I wait 5 minutes to collect $5.00 no show fee.

    On long rides I will call passenger to see how long and will typically accomodate them.

    On short rides 5 is max (lyft will show where we are taing them while we wait), Uber does not show so I will use same logic, 5 min for Uber X to get $3.75 fee

    On scheduled rides that I acccepted (Lyft) I wait 5 miunutes as cancellation fee is $10.00 vs. $5.00 for regular rides call passeneger to see what's up

    Really there should be no reason for passenger not to be out in time, system notifies passengers that car is approaching way before car gets there.

    Shared rides 2 minutes and I will not call passenegr, just wait out 2 min, no show and move on

    Oh and a passenegr gets lower mark from me - my time is valuable too!

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     5 years ago in  When do drivers get to see the riders' destinations?

    When driver arrives at your destiantion or clse to it and hits Start trip (on Uber), note drivery sometimes do that before getting exactly to your location so they can see where you are going and some will canclel if not happy with destination.

    On lyft it is when driver hits arrived (so same as above may happen as far as cancelling goes) before a passenegr had a chance to get in the car

    Lyft also has a scheduled rides feature, sort of like a job board that drivers can see I think within 10 miles of driver's location - there it will show pick up, destination, cost and time

    This is how I see it in Philadelphia/NJ market

  • does not the passenger get a ping when driver ends (drops passeenger off)?

    If passenegr is out of the car and sees the driver did not end the trip, could not the passenegeer at that time end / cancel the ride themselves?

    Dead battery unlikely, drivers have chargers, forgetting possibly, but poor reception is a frequesnt one

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     5 years ago in  Where should I drive in PA?

    PA is a big state, where about are you in PA.

    as written your question is similar to “how much is a car?” Need more info lol

  • It will be tough. To make any money you will have to drive when everyone else is going out, if your ideal life style is not to be there for your family then maybe. But you are now self employed and will have to pay taxes on 1099, many expenses. When car breaks no money coming in, no benefits and it is exhausting work to put in 12 hours a day.

    as a part time gig if you like driving and meeting people it is fun. In my market Philadelphia and NJ I typically average between 15$ - $22 per hour as a part time driver. This is before gas, expenses and taxes. 

    All depends what you are trading in as far as job to become a driver. If you Work in McDonald’s perhaps rideshare is better.

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     5 years ago in  Why you shouldn't plug in your phone during Uber rides!

    if the charger is plugged into the cigarett lighter, than I say No.

    If the cable is plugged into some USB port in the car, I guess it is possible  

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     5 years ago in  Multiple Passengers with Luggage

    you can use application Bellhop to compare prices of various vehicle types

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     5 years ago in  Flyin' somewhere?

    I think 30% full and 70% part time

    rideshareguy blog did a survey that may serve as good reference

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     5 years ago in  Flyin' somewhere?


    I get this asked by passengers very often "So, what is your other job; What else do you do besides this....) I always wander how do they konw or assume that Rideshare is my only job? :) Once a stoned lady stared at me for 5 minutes during the ride from the back seat and had the following to say "Ehhhh, uhhh, you look pretty smart for an Uber driver.... ????? lol

  • I had a pasenegr in my car taling how he could tont wait until driverless cars come around. I asked him if he ever had a dead pixel appear on his phone or TV out of nowhere, he said yes. I then asked him what if that happened in the driverless car at 70 mph? :)